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Pharmaceutical Liability Archives

Johnson & Johnson the focus of recent consumer litigation

Many California readers are familiar with Johnson & Johnson, which has grown to become one of the nation's top healthcare and pharmaceutical companies. The company is also the focus of a recent class-action suit filed on behalf of nursing home residents and their families. The consumer litigation claims that Johnson & Johnson intentionally worked to push its pharmaceutical products on nursing home residents, in violation of federal law.

Depakote falls from Category D to X with IQ side effect

If you ask any parent what they want most for their child, many would respond that they simply hope that their child grows up as happy and healthy as possible. Parents in Los Angeles will do everything that they can to keep their child safe, but they don't have complete control. Parents must also put their trust in others to uphold this same duty.

Veterans Affairs office may rethink generic drug contract

Consumers are given a choice when purchasing pharmaceutical drugs. They can either purchase the more expensive advertised drug or the generic option. Take Lipitor for example; there are many generic options available. A generic medication has a similiar chemical structure, so why not? The decision may seem simple, but it is a lot more difficult than one might think. 

Dietary supplements promise weight loss but harm health

A recent post in our Los Angeles Class Actions Blog shared a report discussing the top contributors to consumer fraud. Dietary supplements that promised impossible results were one of the biggest violators of consumer rights named in the statistical survey.

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